At Metanoia, our hope is it see every student perform to the best of their academic ability. There are programs run by the university, as well as initiatives within the residence to help students to achieve the results they are aiming for.
University Mentors
As per the initiative set out by the university, the various faculties on campus build up a team of mentors, or demi’s, for students in need. Alongside moderating and marking assessments, these demi’s are available for academic assistance throughout the year.
Residence Mentors
Every year, a team of roughly thirty new mentors spring into action. Metanoia’s mentor system is designed with the average newcomer in mind, and therefore, the mentors main mission is to help first year students adjust to university life at Stellenbosch. The role of the mentors is to support and assist first years in settling into the residence as well as promoting their academic success, social and physical wellbeing, as well as correct mental headspace. Our hope is that the first years and mentors build good relationships, allowing newcomers to settle in with ease.
Each Mentor mentors six to ten newcomers that stay in the same section as they do. Once the mentors have been selected they attend various training workshops to help equip them in mentoring the newcomers under their care.
Our hope is that Mentors do not only provide academic support but also help to evoke a change of heart and mind; by motivating their Mentees to actively participate in Metanoia and on campus in order to make the most of their time at Stellenbosch. Whether it be an academic issue, or personal issue – mentors will always be there to help!